Making a Motorcycle Video Series is Hard Work

July 25, 2019  •  Leave a Comment
I wrote this as a Facebook post but it evolved into something else entirely so I put it here instead.
For all of my friends that know nothing about motorcycles other than my constant infatuation with them, I've taken to YouTube on behalf of The Progressive International Motorcycle Shows to help introduce non-riders to the world of two wheels during the tour's off-season. Understanding---and even getting into---motorcycling can be a daunting subject. I had a shit ton of questions when I bought my first bike and really did my homework. I became a student of motorcycling as a result. Now I have become a bit of a teacher and instructor. I think with the right mindset, these machines are more approachable than people think and the emotional return is second to none.

This is the first time I've been fully responsible for planning, producing, filming, co-starring, editing and delivering content throughout the whole video process. It's been a great learning process but it's in no way easy. It take a lot of work to produce a tight sub 4-min video that doesn't look like shit. :) Like all things, I'm a student of the craft and learning how to be better at video production whether it's polishing my editing technique, color grading, narrative development, cinematic drone flight, managing audio, etc.... If you would kindly give it a watch and subscribe on YouTube it would mean a ton to me.



With so much vitriol on the internet I aim to be a positive influence and inspiration for anyone that comes across my work and for anyone who is eager to learn how to ride. Ever since I got back into motorcycling six years ago—and shortly thereafter the industry itself---I was inspired and excited to do big things on behalf of all motorcyclists. I get to thank Marc Cook and Jessica Prokup for that initial opportunity that had me go on assignment for Motorcyclist Magazine. But it was Zack Courts and Ari Henning who were the first people on the internet I sought out whenever I needed to understand something about motorcycles. At the time they were doing On Two Wheels, MC Garage and so much more. Their enthusiasm, knowledge and skill on a bike set the aspirational bar for myself. Those two guys continue to inspire me, as do so many other people in this industry. Whether it’s those who teach us how to be better riders, those who create beautiful content, those that create amazing products that keep us safe or enhance the ride, or those that are just our friends who are there to support us in the various facets of our lives. There is is truly is an amazing community that unfurls and coalesces around this unique machine.

One last thing, outside of the obvious cool factor motorcycling imbues, We all really need to continue to inspire and embrace a new generation of people to get into motorcycling here in America. Hell, just get more people on two wheels. It’s a daunting task but if it’s not addressed now it will have cataclysmic results for our beloved hobby in the future. And the problem is not going to be fixed by those trying to sell motorcycles, it needs to be a movement of the people….Shit, this sounds like global warming doesn’t it? 


Ok, I digress, this post became more self-reflective and a massive thank you to so many people that have come into and affected my life whether you know it or not.




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